Among the many things my sister Debby was — fashion plate, lousy cook, seductress — she was a concerned citizen. As a first generation American, she realized our parents’ dream to be assured that her voice would be heard without fear, to be able to take advantage of opportunities and to be able to provide for those she cared for because we lived in a democracy. She could did all that.
Exercising her citizenship, she carried petitions from door to door, lobbying for better outcomes for the people in her neighborhood, hosting fundraisers or on the many breast cancer walks we did together. Whether engaged in her civic duties or going to the theater, Debby always showed up dressed beautifully, coiffed and manicured.
January 21, 2017 was her last protest march, only this time she was in her wheelchair. She joined the five-plus million people in this country walking peacefully and powerfully, to publicly protest Trump’s policies regarding reproductive rights, gender rights, disability rights, healthcare rights, voting rights.
Democracy is a team, not a spectator, sport, and we all need to play. All of us. All the time. No excuses. Debby lived this and knew everyone mattered, each adding agency to the other. Uncle Sam Needs You! Please vote in all your local elections and this November 7th in the general election. Peace, love and vote!