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People Who Know Who They Are—Rochelle Udell Introduces Them To You

People Who Know Who They Are — Rochelle Udell Introduces Them To You

Recently, I was introduced to a farmer who created an ecologically sound, almost five-acre farm starting with a quarter of an acre of under-nourished soil about eighteen years ago. He was very happy sharing his garden. Not trained in agricultural science he learned from his father, other native farmers and his own trial and error. One day a week, he took this knowledge into local classrooms to instruct schoolchildren, who looked forward to seeing him and learning how to take pride in where they lived. His name is Elicer, caretaker of the earth. 

About twelve years ago, we had a flood in our basement, and a neighbor suggested we call a local mason who also had good plumbing skills. He assessed the situation and provided an immediate solve and showed us the root cause, a warning, and over time he solved an unanticipated but prescient problem. He liked puzzles. Like a detective, he solved our flooding problem by following and then redirecting the flow of water through pipes around our house and into the street. Sometimes, when it rained in the middle of the night, we’d see him with his flashlight, watching the water moving through the neighborhood. His name was Manuel, navigator of the water.

While working at my first magazine job, over fifty years ago, I met an editor who could take writer’s words and make sense of them for the reader. She did this by asking each writer questions that could focus their intent. She loved the conversations. Even as deadlines approached, she was very patient, even taking a quieting pause, as words and sentences got rearranged, cut or rewritten. She knew clarity mattered and so did protecting the writers. Her name was Judy, whisperer of the words.